Wednesday, May 20, 2009

raindrops falling on my head...

There's one thing you can count on in Paris during the month of May, and that is random rain showers. Not since New York last summer have I had the joy to walk through one hell of a monsoon rainshower and get my boots soaking wet. But then again, one rarely seems to enjoy the Champs Elysees during rush hour as much as when everyone is hiding from the delirious wetness falling from the skies.  Today I got caught outside of the Trocadero metro stop by that omnious looking grey cloud that you see hovering over the Eiffel Tower. 

Realizing that my camera is not waterproof I decided to head into one of the overpriced cafés overlooking the Eiffel Tower and ride out the storm before heading towards the Military School beyond the Tower. Even though only half a drop (two at the most) hit my camera, it was done for the rest of the day. Au Revoir for now...

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