Monday, January 12, 2009

absolutely curtains...

Amantes imposibles prefiero no pensar en los ideales ya que todo ideal encierra una identidad con una realidad confusa en donde nunca se llega a entender la dimension real del amor causa del mayor bien.
Pero no limitemos el amor acerquemoslo mas bien a una felicidad personal e intrasferible a un don a una capacidad creativa y entonces entenderemos la verdadera personalidad de mi ser que tuvo que entregarse a los horrores del desierto para llegar a comprender la causa de su autentica plenitud inamovible.

Impossible lovers prefer not to think about the ideals now that everything ideal encompasses a perfect identity with a confused reality where they never come to understand the true dimension of love causes the greatest good. 
Let us become nearer to love, nearer a personal and untransferable happiness, a gift of creative capacity and then we will understand the true personality of my being that had to give itself to the horrors of the desert in order to understand the cause of its true immovable plenitude.

Rarely do events occur in life occur that are identified immediately as the most opportune or the most convenient. Never are these events as regrettable as instances of passion and love made impossible by external circumstances. "Living for the moment" may be an optimal strategy for approaching many things in life but does not always prove to be the best strategy in matters of love. Sometimes what you see before your eyes can be deceiving and what separates mature affections from those of young lovers is the foresight and the maturity to identify the amorous encounter for what it is while the moment is occurring. Not everything before us is real. Impossible love is simply that...impossible. It exists in the dark and is suppressed by the time dawn breaks and the sun rises. Our affections lie; our eyes beguile; our heart misleads. For this lesson I am indebted to a 6 hour love replayed nightly on the backs of my eyelids, in a my single-seat private theatre.

"Like all dreamers I confuse disenchantment with truth"

~Jean-Paul Sartre

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