Monday, August 17, 2009

a GED in people skills...

We all have loves that come and go throughout our lives- some are exclusively platonic, others are romantic, others a bit mixed and ambiguous like many things in life. But I have always had a policy of giving respect and deference to those that I have been romantically involved with in my life. I have been called all types of things, been insulted in different languages and have always maintained an open line of communication with them whenever they needed to speak. However, after 27 years I am starting to reconsider this policy.

I am spiritual person...

This differs from a religious person in terms of an adherence to a particular static doctrine, any "good book" or "great scripture" that deems itself all-knowing and resistant (and impossible) to allow the co-existence of competing ideologies. Fine, the Rapture may be upon us but keep it to yourself and have a safe trip when Jesus comes and gets you, i'll be fine with the fire and brimstone he unleashes on the Earth afterward, please just saves yourself...quietly. I don't believe in religion but I pray and say thanks every night and ask the universe for another day, another 86,400 seconds to actualize my inherent gifts. I believe in eternal truths that transcend doctrine, and cosmic laws that are indifferent to family lineage or bank statements. That's just me.

I believe we are all in control of your own destinies to a certain extent but what we do control absolutely, without any doubt, our the reactions to events in our lives that are beyond our control. I have never understood people who walk around with permanent black clouds above them, shooting tornadoes out around them destroying the positive energy of people who dare to stand too close. But no matter, I always tell people to take heed to the greatness inherent within them, even when I have to make it up. It make work for a small period of time but then they fall into the same trap of negativity, surrounding themselves with negative people and less-than-ideal situations. And the cycle then begins again. It almost seems that some people are naturally attracted to dysfunction and drama.

We do not control when we are born, we have no choice to join this little thing called life, neither the time nor location is completely up to us. However, the choice to continue to live is completely arbitrary and maybe this little called life is not for you. Or perhaps, and a more acceptable solution, would be to change your immediate surroundings, find your comfort zone and keep in mind that it may be found a few feet from you currently or halfway around the world but your soul will never be placated if you do not allow happiness to be carried within. You are not obligated to live. To continue. To persevere. If your only purpose is to act as a roadblock to the dreams of many, I propose you remove yourself from the picture...permanently. It takes courage to live and not everyone has what it takes. Perhaps living just isn't for you...

"If your here and now makes you unhappy you have 3 options: remove yourself from the situation,change it or accept it."


1 comment:

Gia Shakur said...

I will definately be a frequent reader