Monday, September 07, 2009

note to self...

June ??? 2009...

I'm disapointed in myself. Seriously, have I been on drugs? No more sappy sad shit -- I don't know how or why it got to that point again. I don't even want to be with my ex but for some reason I was going back to being needy for her attention and affection. IDK; maybe it was because I started feeling lonely. I'm done with all that though I promise! For Real. I didn't cry last night... I prayed and thanked God (many of them actually) and painted. While rummaging through the ruins of the past in my mind I ran across a twitter post this morning and it read...

...the world is your garden; your will is the gardner.
Make your life beautiful!

It's so true...we have the decision to make our life beautiful or to keep ourselves from being happy. So no more complaining and bitching :) There are many people laying in hospitals all over the world, breathing their last breathe- wishing, hoping, praying for a few more minutes more of life...minutes that the living take for granted...merely existing on this Earth; never quite living at all...

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