Thursday, September 10, 2009

to infinity and beyond...

Today started off with me in Chicago sleeping with my feet on a sofa and the rest of my body on the floor...i don't even know, but it sounded like a good idea and it worked! Then after running dangerous close to missing my 1pm flight to New York City, I was able to relax in my apartment for all of two hours before catching a red-eye flight to Vancouver landing at 4am eastern time. Needless to say, such as a thing as a regular sleep cycle does not exist in my life.

When am home, am up painting and creating, reading or blogging and when am traveling the change in time zones wrecks havoc on me and often disrupts my sleep cycle the entire time. Landing in any unfamiliar city at night is very depressing. Despite being very disorienting, it feels like any other city since no landmark stands out in the darkness. Am sure Vancouver is nice (as people have told me) and we shall see in the morning but right now who the hell knows if the cab driver is me with the route he is taking?

But in the meantime, my jetlag combined with my ambiguous feelings about Vancouver so far have led me to imagine other places I would rather be at the moment. Before taking off to Canada, a group of passengers in the waiting area at JFK kept rabbling on about space tourism and Virgin Galactic's attempts to commercialize space travel. Sounds nice, and I would jump at that opportunity, but I think we need to get realistic here; most tourists will not be either able to afford it, or not fit enough to travel into space (especially in the U.S. where nearly 40 percent of the population is overweight). Sh*t many Americans don't have healthcare on Earth imagine if you start panicking out there in space...they probably just open up the door and kick your ass out...

And forget about queuing up at check-in, going through security, or waiting in the departure lounge, if you want to venture up into space then you’ll have three days pre-training at the spaceport. Sorry, but I cannot take space travel seriously and I do not think we’ll see it happen in my lifetime. Virgin Galactic officials hope to begin commercial flights within two years (late 2011/early 2012). The company hasn’t yet proven it can take people into space and bring them back, but it’s already taken 300 reservations for $200,000 each and a $20,000 deposit...just a littleeeee bit out of my price range.

I hope the headsets are free...

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